Dear visitor,
in this page you can find the documents that have been edited when our Foundation was setting its roots.
The statute , which was drafted by the notary,
the by-laws edited by the founders (Marco Manca, Massimo Mercuri, and Stef Cuijpers)
Next to these, you can find the original Foundation plan.
Looking back, we had been crazy ambitious and during the course of years we learnt a lot. Nevertheless, the original flame burns as wildly and has now infected our new Board member (Taghi Aliyev), so we like to keep the documentation of our original intentions available. 🙂
For transparency (and any purpose) we share hereby also the original letter from the Dutch tax authorities whereby they acknowledged us as ANBI (a status that entitles donors to tax benefits… more information are on dedicated fundraising page). It was a struggle to get it, not in the least by the special way we conducted activities in the first years: almost no cashflow going around and all like-for-like... and we are honestly proud of having successfully made that case when P&L stayed almost at zero, something tax authorities confused for having no activities. After several calls and debates, we ultimately managed to make a case for our form of project hosting and community partnership, and obtained that ANBI acknowledgement. A statement for us, of the all important divergence between pricing and value.